Elementary Choirs Overview — Roanoke Valley Children's Choir

Elementary School Choir Programs

Below is an overview of the choir programs that the Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir offers for children in Elementary School. You can click on the pictures / thumbnails to go to each choir’s webpage for more info and how to join.

Full Choir Programs 

The RVCC offers two full choir programs for children in 1st-4th grade

“A Choir”

1st-2nd grade

“B Choir”

3rd-4th grade

**If your child is in 5th grade, they will be in the RVCC “Youth Choir” for 5th-8th graders, see more here: childrenschoir.com/youth-choir

Abbreviated Choir Program

The RVCC offers an abbreviated choir program for children in 3rd-6th grade


Neighborhood Choir

3rd-6th grade

new abbreviated choir program