December 7th, 2024: RVCC Holiday Sing-A-Long!

October 19th-20th, 2024: RVCC Fall Retreat!

June 25th - 28th, 2024: Concert Choir Trip to the “Virginia Choir Festival”

April 5th-6th, 2024: Williamsburg Trip with the A, B, B+ Choirs!

March 2nd, 2024: Roanoke Arts Pop at the Taubman Museum

December 2nd, 2023: RVCC 7th Annual Community Carol Sing-a-long!

December 1st, 2023: Holiday Pops with the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra

November 18th, 2023: Kindness Day. RVCC sang for local residents at nursing homes

October 2023 RVCC Fall Retreat

April 22nd, 2023: RVCC 36th Annual Spring Concert, “A Little Spring Music”

June 2022 Concert Choir NYC Trip, Singing at Carnegie Hall!

Our new rehearsal space at Bethel Baptist!