2018 Fall Retreat A Success!

We had the best Fall Retreat!   Wonderful singing!  Wonderful fun!  Wonderful friendships!  We made so much progress on our music and I am so proud of all our choristers! The Fall Retreat is always a highlight of the year!

Thank you to the AMAZING Fall Retreat committee!!!!  

Sandra Church Co-Chair

Asha Riegodedios Co-Chair

Jenna Giannini Rooming Assignments

Debbie Bell Chaperone Coordinator

Lynne Latino Activities Director

Enid Mau Volunteer Coordinator

Mechelle Perdue Volunteer Coordinator

Julie Summerville Registrar

Stephanie Wimbish Nurse

Thank you to all the Super Chaperones!!!!  Thank you so much!!!!

Laura Anderson

Jenny Baldwin

Diane Bell

Sophia Berkel

Courtnee Bishop

Harry Brown

Sharon Clark

Kaitlin Classey

Michelle Cordle

Cherie Davis

Catherine Eakin

Jennifer Elliot

Chasity Fitzpatrick

Laura Godfrey

Maria González

Michelle Hayden

Jaime Hodges

Candice Hoyos-Troutt

Namita Jain

Kerrie Jolley

Lisa Lovern

Kathy Lynch

Lois Martin

Cassandra Mierisch

Lisa Moore

Michael Moore

Shannon Murdock

Leigh Ogle

Laurie Otey-Williams

Puja Patel

Melissa Phillips

Meredith Rogan

Mary Rosser Furr

Kim Roudebush

Karen Rowe

Heather Saunders

Veronica Snyder

Jann Swartzendruber

Emily Switzer

Hiral Vaishnav

Lydia Vargas

Sherry Williams

Anna Wysinski

Concert Tickets On Sale Now!

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Tickets for the 2018 RVCC Holiday Concert are on sale now!

Jefferson Center:  540-345-2550


For the best seats, call or book online early!!

Concerts at the Jefferson Center in Roanoke, VA

December 9th, 2018

1:30pm & 4:00pm


Tickets $22, $19, $16

($3 discount for children 12 and under)

*Shaftman Hall will add a $3 processing fee to each ticket.


The Christmas Concert is a highlight of the year!  Don’t miss this opportunity to have friends and family come to see your child at his/her best!! 

We look forward to seeing you there!


*We would like to fill all the seats at each performance!  Please help spread the word and let’s have two full audiences for our choristers!

RVCC in the October 2018 edition of the Roanoker Magazine!

The RVCC was featured in an article in the October 2018 edition of the Roanoker Magazine!

“Roanoke Has a Lot to Celebrate” - an article about the arts in Roanoke in 2018. The RVCC is focused on in the article, along with the Roanoke Symphony, The Jefferson Center, Broadway in Roanoke, and Southwest Virginia Ballet.

Check out the article online here:

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Summer NewComer Auditions!

Saturday, August 4th       10:00 am - 12:00 pm


The RVCC is happy to announce a Summer Audition time at our new Rehearsal Home, Bethel Baptist Church in Salem.

Auditions will be on August 4th from 10:00am - 12:00pm at Bethel Baptist Church in Salem, VA.

We especially have openings for young singers, entering grades 2-8! For the audition, we’ll sing through the first verse of “My Country Tis of Thee”, check your range and musical listening skills.  

It’s quick!  It’s easy!  It’s fun!  

If you have any questions about the Auditions, please feel free to contact Ms. Kim Davidson, director of the choir.  kimdavidson@childrenschoir.com

New RVCC Location!

We are happy to announce a new chapter for the Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir at Bethel Baptist Church.  The location is central to the majority of our singers, the facility is spacious and beautiful, and the people are kind and generous.  It is a wonderful new rehearsal home for the RVCC!

Bethel Baptist Church is located at 1601 S. Colorado St. in Salem. 

It is convenient to 419 and Hwy 81 and is less than 15 minutes from Cave Spring HS, Hidden Valley HS, Northside HS, Patrick Henry HS, Salem HS, Glenvar HS and William Fleming HS.  

The rehearsals will be held in the spacious Sanctuary with small groups, like the A Choir rehearsing in the Choir Room.  We will also have access to the Fellowship Hall for choreography rehearsing and occasional snacks! Parking is available between the main church building and the new Activities building and also across the street.  On rehearsal days, the choir will hire a professional crossing guard to help children cross the street.

Rehearsals will be on the usual Monday schedule beginning on August 27 for the full choir.  

A/B Choir 4:00-5:30

B+ Choir 5:00-6:30

C Choir 7:00-9:00

Our most heartfelt thank you to Bethel Baptist Church for opening their doors to us and supporting our Community Children’s Choir with perfectly suited rehearsal and storage space.  Thank you Bethel Baptist Church!


We are also having Summer Auditions on August 4th at Bethel Baptist!

If you have any questions about the Auditions, please feel free to contact Ms. Kim Davidson, director of the choir.  kimdavidson@childrenschoir.com

Chicago and Midwest Tour 2018!

The C Choir had a great trip to Chicago and the Midwest! They sang at a festival in Chicago with several other Children's Choirs from around the nation with special guest conductor, Lynnel Joy Jenkins. The final festival performance was at the beautiful St. James Cathedral. It was magnificent! Also in Chicago they had lots of FUN with free time, shopping, sight-seeing, a Lake Michigan Boat Cruise, and a special Senior dessert night! 


Next on the trip was a stop at Valparaiso University, Ms. Davidson's Alma mater, to sing in the Valparaiso Chapel. Then it was a visit to Amish County in Shipshewana, IN! The choir enjoyed dinner at an Amish farm and after dinner everyone sang songs for each other. A truly beautiful moment sharing music together.


The next day the choir gave a concert in Coldwater, MI at First Baptist Church of Coldwater. Ms. Davidson is a 1977 graduate of Coldwater High School and it is always so special to bring the choir back to her home town to perform! After the concert, it was time for cookies at Grandma Myrt's house! 

Grandma Myrt's House

Grandma Myrt's House


The last day was a super fun-filled day at Cedar Point Amusement! Everyone made it home safely and it was a wonderful trip!

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A note from Ms. D about the Chicago Trip 2018:

 "My heart is filled with gratitude to our chaperones, trip leader Michelle Sublett, and all the choristers who make me so proud. It is beautiful to watch our choristers not only sing, but interact as team players, kind and helpful everywhere we go. Thank you for making this trip such a joy. Lots of love to all our choir families who are truly like family to me." - Ms. D ️

A Fond Farewell to Hollins University

Our warmest RVCC thank you to Hollins University for providing such beautiful rehearsal space for us for 5 years.  We’ve loved our time at Hollins and are so appreciative to all of the fine folks at HU who welcomed us. HU will always be an important part of the history and journey of the RVCC and we are most grateful.


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Concert CD Available Online - 2018 RVCC Spring Concert

The RVCC's 2018 Live Spring Concert CD and DVD are available to purchase! You can buy the CD right here online. You can also mail in a CD or DVD order form.

CD's Online - $12 EACH

CD's will be mailed to you. Please provide your address during checkout. 

Order 2018 RVCC Spring Concert CD with a card or Paypal - Select below:

Number of CD's

Mail CD Order Form - $12 each

You can also order CD's by filling out this order form with the money enclosed:

mail CD form to: Roanoke Valley Children's Choir - 718 Joan Circle - Salem VA, 24153

Mail DVD Order Form - $28 each

You can order DVD's by filling out this order form with the money enclosed:

mail DVD form to: Allison Parkhurst - 421 North Blair Street - Vinton VA, 24179

The RVCC Was On WSLS 10 News!

The Roanoke Valley Children's Choir's 31st Annual Spring Concert is this weekend! And we have our Annual Newcomer Auditions coming up in May! Here is Director, Kim Davidson, on WSLS Daytime Blue Ridge telling about these exciting events coming up in the RVCC!

Come and hear the beautiful singing of our Nationally Recognized Children's Choir this Sunday, April 22 at the Jefferson Center in Roanoke, VA. Tickets are available at Tickets.ChildrensChoir.com

Come and JOIN the choir by signing up for a newcomer audition on May 5, 7, or 10th held at the Dupont Chapel at Hollins University. Sign Up for your audition at Auditions.ChildrensChoir.com! We would LOVE to have you come and sing with us!

The RVCC was on the WDBJ7 News!


The RVCC was on the WDBJ7 news today! Thank you WDBJ7 for giving us the opportunity to talk about our upcoming concert this Sunday at the Jefferson Center and Newcomer Auditions May 5, 7, and 10th. Choristers Alice Radjou and Kennady Wade joined Director, Kim Davidson, for the interview. Also along for the fun were choir mom, Sara Radjou, choir mom Kianna Marini, and choir grandma Anita Anita James Price

Here is a behind the scenes look at the fun afternoon!

Partnering with Smart Beginnings for Musical Enrichment Project

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This year, The RVCC has partnered with a local early childhood education advocacy organization, Smart Beginnings of Greater Roanoke, for our very first Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir Choristers Caring Concert.

A portion of the proceeds from the 4:30 p.m. community concert on April 22, 2018 will benefit the Smart Beginnings’ “Musical Fences” projects in the Roanoke Valley at various preschool and child care centers. These beautiful fences are installed on playgrounds to help some of the very youngest musicians in our area learn to appreciate music and enhance their play.

At our fall retreat, a representative from Smart Beginnings made a presentation to the choristers of the RVCC about Smart Beginnings and the musical fence project. Choristers have also donated some items to help build the fences and some choristers will be able to help put them together and see children enjoying them! 

To learn more about the good work of Smart Beginnings of Greater Roanoke, go to the website, smartbeginnngs.org.

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Roanoke Symphony Orchestra’s upcoming Holiday Pops concerts will feature a premiere from a Salem composer.

Though “Now & Forever” is 24-year-old Kirsti Davidson’s first composition created for an orchestra, it’s not her first piece of music written for Roanoke audiences. She’s composed choral scores for the Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir for many years. She’s been assisting her mother, choir founder and director Kim Davidson, since she was a teenager.

Read the remainder of the story HERE


Posted: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 12:00 am

By Mike Allenmike.allen@roanoke.com 981-3236

C Choir Performs at National ACDA in Salt Lake City, Utah

Please join me in congratulating the Concert Choir on the finest performance of the Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir in our 28 year history.  We were polished and perfected in every way from different tone quality styles to spacing, choreography, artistic nuances, intricate dynamics and smiles!!!!  I couldn’t be more proud. Our performances to the 5000 registered attendees were greeted with ENTUSIASTIC standing ovations and even some “whoops and hollers”!!!!

There is a beauty in the moment of extraordinary accomplishment that speaks to your heart and soul – and we experienced that!  We’ve never worked so hard before – and we’ve never had such a moment of such pure joy – and glory!

The trip itself was peppered with challenges – but as always – we persevered!   The forecasted snow for Wednesday eve forced us to leave early and make bus and hotel arrangements on 24 hours’ notice.  A few students became ill in SLC and our chaperones took good care of them and shuffled duties around to care for them.  We were tested to our very limits to be able to attend the final concert of the Conference – the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Symphony with special guests including the Singing Sergeants – but we did that too!  Rehearsal schedules were very strict, singing with the giant organ in the Salt Lake Tabernacle was terrifying because of the sound delay but a worthwhile experience, we walked a LOT, we smiled a lot, we sang a lot, we figured things out a lot, and we had a trip to remember and be so very proud of.

We have been receiving so many kind and generous compliments from concert attendees from all over the country!  Comments include; Splendid! Truly Amazing! I am certainly impressed, You were the most entertaining group I saw!  Wow – wow – Wow!!!  It was so beautiful, I cried.  I’ve never see such control in group choreography – congratulations!  Absolutely beautiful!  When can we hear you again?…..  It’s been fun to get so many, many kind compliments about our performance!

My most heartfelt thank you and love to the Concert Choir for being the smart, kind, dedicated, hard-working, loyal kids, I call my own.

Find the article HERE from The Roanoke Times from January 18, 2015.

Ms. D

RVCC Sings with Darrel Scott "World of Song"

Music Lab at  Jefferson Center in Roanoke, Va. today announced the release of the There’s A World of Song single, available Friday, Jan. 24, on iTunes, Amazon, Google Music, Shazam, and more.

The single was recorded and produced inside Jefferson Center’s professional recording studio and arts education hub, Music Lab.   All sales proceeds benefit Jefferson Center’s efforts to make music education available at the Music Lab to teens in grades 6-12 who want to learn music production, recording, performance, and all the basics of the music business.

Jefferson Center’s Executive Director, Cyrus Pace said, “There’s World of Song focused on building an original Darrell Scott song using voices from around our community and throughout the nation. We are honored that it showcases the collaboration and creative processes happening between artists from all over the world and students right here in Jefferson Center’s Music Lab.”

 “Jefferson Center and its Music Lab are one of the most impressive music education programs available in the U.S. today,” said Darrell Scott.  “It was important to find a way to help Music Lab grow in both education and students and I am pleased by the extraordinary group of musicians who said ‘yes’ when Dylan and I asked for their time and voices.”

“We are grateful for the support of artists who have performed at The Jefferson Center in recent years who came together to produce this single.  There’s a World of Song demonstrates how a simple idea becomes a reality,” said Dylan Locke, Artistic Director for The Jefferson Center.

 There’s a World of Song Participating Artists

Darrell Scott (creator), Tim O’Brien, Del McCoury, Ronnie McCoury, Rob McCoury, Jason Carter, Alan Bartram, Marc Cary, Keith Thomas, Rene Marie, Blind Boys of Alabama, Kathy Mattea, Kim Davidson and the Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir, Janiah Allen, Michael League, Otu Kojo, Bukuru Celestin, Ephrazie Niyonzima, Elvanie Niyibigira, Furaha Ndayishimiye, Judi Jackson, Jeremy Wilder & Spirit of Life Choir, Chris Howard-Woods, Abby Cohen, and Motion Adrenaline.