Come join us on Saturday, December 9th, 1:00 - 2:00 PM, as the RVCC A-Choir and Concert Choir will be singing selections from the upcoming 37th Annual Holiday Concert, and Christmas Carol sing-a-longs at Grand Home Furnishings at Valley View in Roanoke (click here to map it). This is a free event, so just come on by!
The 7th Annual RVCC Holiday Sing-A-Long at the Taubman Museum!
The 7th annual Carol Sing-A-Long at the beautiful Taubman Museum of Art. Our singers shared a lot of Holiday Joy this morning!

The RVCC Concert Choir Sang at the 2023 Holiday Pops with the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra
It's thrilling to be performing with the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Chorus, and guest soloist, Emme Canon.
I'm proud of our very professional and well prepared choristers!

The RVCC B and B+ Choirs sang with the Roanoke Youth Symphony Orchestra at the "Discovery Concert" for 1000 local students
The B and B+ Choirs sang beautifully at the Discovery Concerts with the Roanoke Symphony Youth Orchestra. I'm so proud of our young singers learning all sorts of new things! Singing with a symphony, lining up in a dark hallway, practicing trouble spots with Ms. D 7 times, over and over to make sure they've fixed their mistake, waiting in the dressing rooms with their choir mates, and changing gears to a professional choir member with just hearing one clap from Ms. D.
This is an exceptionally smart and well mannered group!! And the parent helpers are the best!
It's another great day in the RVCC!

The RVCC loved singing for residents at nursing homes for Kindness Day!
Today was Kindness Day for the RVCC! We had a Sing-A-Long of old timey songs, and it was beautiful to see residents and choristers singing together. Our choristers made encouraging cards for the residents, and it was so dear to see them handing them out and chatting with the elderly.
The activity directors said that this was their favorite activity EVER! Engaging the residents in singing was a boost to their spirit, and ours too.
We are so proud of the RVCC and their hard work to spread kindness in our community!

2023 RVCC Fall Retreat! Best Fall Retreat Ever!
(click pictures to enlarge and scroll through each set)
It's the fun and fantastic Fall Retreat weekend!! Committee members and their children are hard at work decorating. The theme is "Glow Party"! And everything is colorful and fun!
The choristers arrive in the morning for rehearsals, scavenger hunt, crafts, games, a dance with a DJ and more rehearsals!! It will be a beautiful weekend of singing, friendships, and building great memories!
Check in, in the rain! Morning rehearsals with the Concert Choir as mentors were so productive. I love seeing the High School students leading the younger singers and the sweet friendships that are made.
More to come through the weekend!
Fall Retreat lunch time with Buddies!!
Fall Retreat group picture 2023!!
Fall Retreat at the Glow Party Dance!! So much fun!!!
The sweetest singing choristers at the Fall Retreat! Plus seniors directing the table blessing.
We just finished the retreat and said goodbye to happy and somewhat tired choristers. This was the best RVCC Fall Retreat ever!!
More Fall Retreat pictures!!
A big thank you to the Fall Retreat committee!! Thank you to Kim Roudebush and Carla Crouse! Thank you to all of our singers and families for a great weekend of singing and FUN!!
Look Back - Full Concert Video & Pictures from the RVCC 36th Annual Spring Concert!
Accelerated Choral Intensive and RVCC Auditions for 9th-12th grade singers!
We are now offering an Accelerated Choral Intensive on Saturday, August 19th, 2023 from 10:00am-1:30pm for rising High School students interested in joining the RVCC Advanced Concert Choir Program. During this 3-hour workshop with director, Ms. Davidson, 9th-12th grade singers will learn the musical skills needed to be a member of our most advanced program and have the opportunity to audition for the RVCC Concert Choir. We are looking for singers who are ready to learn and willing to work hard! Learn more and sign up for this free workshop on our website -
There is now open enrollment to join the RVCC 1st-8th grade full choir program!
No auditions or previous musical experience is needed. You can register online anytime!
Each choir practices once a week on Mondays throughout the school year at Bethel Baptist Church in Salem, VA.
Monday Rehearsal Times:
Elementary (1st-4th) = 4:30-6:00pm
Youth (5th-8th) = 5:30-7:00pm
Choir Tuition = $70 per month ($560 yearly)
Rehearsals start August 28th, 2023
Use code "SUMMER" to receive $50 the yearly tuition if you register by July 31st, 2023. There is a $75 registration fee due when you register. Full registration info, yearly tuition prices, and rehearsal times can be found using the link below. To see a list of all the RVCC choir programs, click here:
To go straight to the RVCC Registration page, click here:
**For 9th-12th grade to join the RVCC Concert Choir, an audition is needed. Go here for more info:
Announcing new RVCC grade levels, which now include 1st-12th Grade!
We have recently restructured the division of grade levels throughout our full year choir programs, now open to include 1st-12th grade students. We've also moved the rehearsal start times back by 30 minutes, now starting at 4:30 (instead of 4pm) and 5:30 (instead of 5pm) on Mondays, to allow for more travel time after school. Click here to read a letter from Director, Ms. Davidson, that explains all the details of these changes. Click a link below to learn about each choir program for your grade level on our newly updated website pages.
The RVCC sang Carmina Burana with the Berkshire Choral International Festival at the Moss Center in Blacksburg
The RVCC sang Carmina Burana with the Berkshire Choral International Festival at the Moss Center in Blacksburg on July 15th, 2023. I’m excited and proud to say that our 23 members of our Concert Choir sang with such expertise and professionalism.
My most heartfelt congratulations and respect to our singers who had 9 rehearsals and a big performance!

Frank Nemhauser, Music Director of the Berkshire Choral International said this about the RVCC performance:
“The RVCC sang with beauty, polish, precision and confidence. They added immeasurably to our performance of Carmina Burana. Thank you RVCC!!!”
The RVCC is featured in a promotional music video for the City of Roanoke, showcasing arts in the region!
This music video premiered on the Buzz4Good Show in collaboration with the Roanoke Cultural Endowment and will be used by the City of Roanoke to promote Economic Development. The video shows how strong the Arts are in the Roanoke Valley! Southwest Virginia Ballet, Opera Roanoke, Maestro Wiley and the RVCC are featured along with composers and artists Bryan “Harvest Blaque” Hancock and J.P.Powell and others!
We are very proud and excited to be a part of this project. Congratulations to our singers!!
Join The Choir! Newcomer Classes for 1st - 12th Grade Students in May 2023
Sopranos vs. Altos Fundraiser Challenge!
RVCC in the Roanoker Magazine May/June 2023 issue!
The Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir was featured in the Roanoker Magazine’s May/June 2023 issue! Check out the article online here:
RVCC 36th Annual Spring Concert On April 22nd, 2023. Tickets Available Now!
Full Concert Video & Pictures from the RVCC 36th Annual Spring Concert!
RVCC in the news for the Spring 2023 Concert!
Director Ms. Davidson, along with Concert Choir singers Anne Hall and Grace Cordle, talked with WDBJ7 about the Spring 2023 Concert and the choir. Check out the video clip from the news article here:
Director Ms. Davidson on WFIR radio!: