RVCC Recruitment Headquarters

We need YOUR help to share ABout the RVCC and find new singers!

Calling all RVCC Parents, Chorister, Families, (and Alumni)

Here’s how you can help!


    Share the RVCC Newcomer Information on your personal Facebook, Instagram, or other social media. This can be done by creating your own post or sharing a post from the RVCC’s page anytime! Make it personal and share something you love about the RVCC and then invite others to try it out! You can use a picture of your child in choir or one of the Social Media graphics you can download on this page. Make sure to include a link to the choir website ChildrensChoir.com.


    Tell YOUR Teacher about the choir! Look for an email from Ms. Davidson that you can directly forward to your teacher which tells teachers how to nominate new students for a scholarship to the RVCC. Ask your teacher to forward the scholarship information email to other teachers throughout the school! You can also find the email to share with teachers here.


    Contact the leader of your PTA to ask to share the RVCC newcomer digital flyer, ask to speak at a meeting to tell about the choir, or distribute printed materials at the next meeting.


    Share a text excerpt or digital flyer in your church bulletin electronically next week!

Click Here for Digital Flyer

Text Excerpt: The Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir is looking for new singers in Rising 2nd-12th Grade to join for the 2022-2023 School Year (August ’22 – April ’23). Free Newcomer Classes offered May 12th, 13th, 14th, & 19th, 2022.. Sign up online at Join.ChildrensChoir.com

Share on Social Media

Here are some ideas for what to post or write when you share about the RVCC!

Make it personal and share something you love about the RVCC and then invite others to try it out! Use one of the suggested templates below or write your own. You can use a picture of your child in choir or one of the Social Media Graphics you can download on this page below.

SOcial Media Post TEMPLATE IDEAS! Copy and paste, then fill in the blanks!

  1. (YOUR NAME) is in the Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir and loves it! Here is the information for new singers about how to join. https://www.childrenschoir.com/how-to-join

  2. Do you love to sing? (YOUR NAME) loves to sing and would be happy to tell you more about the Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir. The choir is offering free newcomer classes in May. You can sign up online and learn more with this link. https://www.childrenschoir.com/how-to-join

  3. (YOUR NAME) has been in the Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir for ___ many years. We love that the choir teaches ____________ and provides unique performance opportunities like __________________. Our favorite part about being in the RVCC is __________________________. The choir is offering free newcomer classes in May for new singers! Here is the information about how to join. https://www.childrenschoir.com/how-to-join

Social Media Graphics

Click any shareable image below to *DOWNLOAD:

*Download instructions: Clicking the image opens the .png or .jpg file in a new tab. You can then right click and save the picture on your computer OR long press and download the image to save on your mobile phone.

Instagram How to Join Graphic (Click on image to Download, Post, and Share)

Facebook Post Newcomer Graphic (Click on image to Download, Post, and Share)

Join the RVCC (Click on image to Download, Post, and Share)

Ready, Set, Sing Class for 2nd-5th Grade (Click on image to Download, Post, and Share)

Find Your Voice Class for 6th-8th Grade (Click on image to Download, Post, and Share)

Share Your Voice Class for 9th-12th Grade (Click on image to Download, Post, and Share)

Friends Forever When We Sing Together (Click on image to Download, Post, and Share)

Come Sing With Us (Click on image to Download, Post, and Share)

RVCC Blue Logo with Website (Click on image to Download, Post, and Share)

Talk to YOUR Teacher!

Communicating with Local School Teachers

Find a School Representative to help communicate and distribute RVCC information

Will you help us find a representative at your school or community organization to share the RVCC scholarship and newcomer class information with teachers? Teachers can recommend their students to qualify for a $200 New Member Tuition Scholarship for the 2022-2023 choir year. We want to share this scholarship recommendation information with all the teachers throughout Roanoke Valley who can help recruit new, talented, deserving, hardworking students to receive these specially funded scholarships.

Click the button below to copy & paste, email, and forward the letter from RVCC Director, Ms. Davidson, to your school’s representative to pass along to all the teachers throughout your school. Thank you for helping more students find their voice!

Connect the RVCC with a Contact Person

Fill out the form below to help connect the RVCC with a contact person from your school or community organization who could help share, communicate, or distribute recruitment information within the school or organization. Thank you!

Additional Helpful Information:

 Copy and Paste Text with LINKS to Use for Sharing

HOW TO JOIN: The Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir is looking for new singers to join for the 2022-2023 School Year (August ’22 – April ’23). Free Newcomer Classes offered May 12th, 13th, 14th, & 19th, 2022 for 2nd-12th Grade. Sign up online at -https://www.childrenschoir.com/how-to-join

READY, SET, SING: Rising 2nd-5th grade students can join the RVCC Elementary aged choir by attending a FREE Ready, Set, Sing Class! No Audition Required to join. Learn more at - https://www.childrenschoir.com/ready-set-sing-class

FIND YOUR VOICE: Rising 6th-8th grade students can join the RVCC Middle School aged choir by attending a FREE Find Your Voice Class! Sing a short audition after the class to join. Learn more at – https://www.childrenschoir.com/6th8th-find-your-voice-class

SHARE YOUR VOICE: Rising 9th-12th grade students can join the RVCC pre-professional High School Concert Choir by attending a FREE Share Your Voice Class. Auditions will be held at the end of each class. Learn more at - https://www.childrenschoir.com/9th12th-share-your-voice-class

NEW MEMBER SCHOLARSHIPS: The Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir has acquired special funding to offer $200 Scholarships to the first 50 New Members who register for the ‘22-‘23 Choir Year. Scholarships are available for 2nd-12th grade students through a teacher recommendation or personal application. Recommend a student or apply online at - https://www.childrenschoir.com/new-member-scholarships

We are asking EVERY choir family to do these things (click on the blue links to go to more information about the item):

  • 2 POSTERS: Put up 2 large newcomer posters in high traffic, visible places (school, church, library, store, office, childcare, activity, community location)

  • BUSINESS CARDS: Take 5-10 business cards to keep with you to give to friends or people you may meet

  • CAR CLING: Put the new RVCC Car Cling in your car window

  • SOCIAL MEDIA: Share the RVCC Newcomer Information on your personal Facebook, Instagram, or other social media. This can be done by creating your own post or sharing a post from the RVCC’s page anytime March-May. Scroll down for content, images, and shareable texts!

  • BOOKMARKS (for A/B Only): Distribute 30 bookmarks to your classmates

If you are able, please do one of more of the following things and take the needed printed materials you would need for distribution:

Find a representative at your school to forward the RVCC scholarship and newcomer class email to all the teachers. Scroll down this page to the “Communicating with School Teachers” section for all the information you need. Also, look for an email from Ms. Davidson that you can directly forward to your school/teacher.

Do you know someone in the community or at your school who could help share this information? Scroll down to “Connect the RVCC with a Contact Person” for more info.


Contact the leader of your PTA to ask to share the RVCC newcomer information electronically, speak at a meeting, or distribute printed materials


-Share a text excerpt or digital flyer in your church bulletin electronically

-Distribute flyers to church members in your church’s bulletin as an insert


-Take a stack of 10-50 flyers to place on a counter at the YMCA, Library, Small business, store, doctor office, museum, childcare center, etc.

-Distribute flyers to participants at your child’s after school activity (sports team, girl/boy scouts, community group, club, daycare, extra curricular activity, etc.)

-Distribute flyers at your church (bulletin insert, Sunday school handout, etc.)