RVCC Virtual Concert In The News!

WSLS 10 did a news story on the RVCC Virtual Concert, and highlighted two RVCC singers, AnnaRuth Judd and Katie Jeremiah!

Check out the story and video below!

Link: https://www.wsls.com/news/local/2020/05/01/roanoke-valley-childrens-choir-hosts-virtual-spring-concert/

Roanoke Valley Children's Choir hosts virtual spring concert

ROANOKE, Va. - COVID-19 may have many of us rethinking our space, but it can't control our sound. The Roanoke Valley Children's Choir is still singing together, despite not being able to practice in person. They're preparing for a virtual concert this weekend. Vocal warm-ups may look different, but sound-wise, they're right on key.