This past weekend we were finally able to get the Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir together to rehearse and spend time with each other at the Fall Retreat! When the choristers weren’t rehearsing, they strengthened their canoeing and kayaking skills, did the scavenger hunt, and danced the night away at the Disney themed dance!
This year's theme was Disney to go along with our year-long Disney theme concluding the year with a festival in Orlando and fun at Disney! Disney songs all through the year!
Each choir had 5-8 hours of rehearsals, plus canoeing, kayaking, the ultimate scavenger hunt incorporating an afternoon of fun games, challenges and activities! Saturday night concluded with a dance with a DJ!!
Thank you to the dedicated RVCC Fall Retreat committee and chaperones!! Thank you for the planning, super organization, and all of the love and fun you shared with our choristers.
The progress in singing and musicality was outstanding!! And everyone had so much fun!
Hurray for the RVCC Fall Retreat back in full swing!!
Pictures from the 2022 RVCC Fall Retreat

The C Choir celebrated with Disney Themed Karaoke! This was so much fun and everyone who participated was absolutely amazing! Here’s a highlight video!