2022 Williamsburg Trip for A, B, and B+ Choirs!

Congratulations to the A,B, and B+ Choirs!!!

Superior Ratings!!!  Wonderful!!!  After a little commotion with our choristers trying to remember how to line up  they sang beautifully and with a lot of heart.  Congratulations!!  You have all carried on the Superior ratings tradition in the RVCC!! The A/B Choirs received scores of 94 and 93.  The B+ Choir received scores of 90 and 91.5.


It was so special to see all of the families enjoying their time together and all of the choristers having such a great time!   Many families teamed up together for the day at Busch Gardens and that was awesome too!


I’ve attached a few pictures from the weekend and more are on the choir Facebook page. 

Congratulations!!!  Beautiful singing and lots of FUN!!   A perfect weekend!

I’m really proud of our singers!

Ms. D