You can support the RVCC with every Amazon purchase you make!

The RVCC is part of the Amazon Smile program. It is a great program where if people shop at, 0.5% of the proceeds will automatically go to a non-profit organization of their choice.

You can now support the RVCC just by shopping with Amazon!

The C Choir performed at the Virginia Tech Moss Center!

Update: You can view the video of RVCC Concert Choir performance at the Virginia Tech Moss Center below

Update from Ms. D (October 11th): Congratulations C Choir!! Fantastic performance at VT tonight! I'm so proud of you!! ~ Ms D 🎶🎶

RVCC C Choir Virginia Tech Moss Center October 11th.jpg

Original Post (October 10th):

On Friday, October 11th, the RVCC Concert Choir will sing with the Virginia Tech choirs and the Blacksburg Master Chorale in a performance at the Virginia Tech Moss Center. We are proud of our C Choir!

*Tickets are not available for this performance*

Today, they traveled to Virginia Tech to rehearse:


Concert review: RSO's 'Angelic Voices' soars on wings of children's choir

There was a glowing review from the Roanoke Times of the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra’s Destination Concert at the Taubman, highlighting our wonderful RVCC singers!

A warm thank you to David Stewart Wiley and the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra, and to the Taubman Museum!

Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir singing at the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra’s Destination Concert at the Taubman Museum on May 6th, 2019

The RVCC was voted the “Favorite Music Program” in Growing Up in the Valley Magazine!!

Thanks to those who voted for us! You can check it out in the April 2019 issue of Growing up in the Valley, and you can also check it out online here!

Growing Up In the Valley April 2019 Online magazine:

Growing Up In The Valley website:

The RVCC was featured on "Living Local" TV Show!

Ms. Davidson went on the local Fox morning show “Living Local”, hosted by a choir alumna, Kianna Price, to talk about the choir and the upcoming concert.

We love Kianna, and she still has an active role in helping out with the choir concerts (you’ll see her on stage before the concert starts), and we thank her for having us on her show!

Here’s the video!

The RVCC went to Washington D.C. !

Singing from our hearts and loving every minute of our time together!  

It was an honor to be sing the Evensong Service at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C..  We sang the Preces and Responses, a Psalm, Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis and an Anthem.  We had a tour, learned how to process in and out, practiced with the Cathedral Organist and learned about the majesty and traditions of the National Cathedral. The service was and the entire experience was somber and elegant, yet joyful and exciting!  As always, our singers certainly did shine!

On Saturday and Sunday we participated in a Choral Festival with the Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir, the Children’s Chorus of Washington, DC, and the Strathmore Children’s Choir.  We had rehearsals on Saturday, followed by pizza lunch together. The concert on Sunday, at Strathmore Hall, was AMAZING! Each choir sang solo repertoire and together we performed four songs.  The music and friendships will last a lifetime!

In between performances and rehearsals we had a tour of the White House, the Capitol Building, and some time at the Smithsonian and on the National Mall.   Senior night was especially high-spirited and full of big laughs and funny stories.

We did have a few hiccups along the way, just to keep us sharp!  Besides the usual small illnesses and/or misbehaving choristers, on our Sunday performance day, at Strathmore, the lunch orders got mixed up and I (Ms. D) had to go into full “Ms. D mode” with the manager and staff at the restaurant to get the food to our choristers.  Then one of the busses broke down and all 76 choristers piled on one bus to drive to the performance site. Since we were running behind schedule we practiced on the bus! It was rushed, a little panicky, hot, close quarters, instructions being called out and then switched and called out again and again.  We were a bit stressed, but nothing a good bottle of water, poking some singing fun at the restaurant, and some encouragement couldn’t fix.

No one could ever tell that our choristers had been stretched nearly to their limits when they performed with precision and heart!  We have the best young people and I am grateful for them and the fun and excitement that goes along with it. Hurray for our Washington trip.  Awesome trip leaders! Awesome Chaperones! Awesome Choristers! It was a 100% success!

Help us raise $12,500 for the choir!

The RVCC is participating in “Roanoke Valley Gives”, which is a fundraising effort that culminates on 3/13/2019. We have set a goal of $12,500. We can do a lot with that money, such as supporting community outreach programs, scholarships for children, concert venue rental, hiring instrumentalists, and purchasing choral sheet music.

You can donate anytime before or on March 13th, 2019 (3/13/2019), and the donation will be processed on giving day, March 13th, 2019.

Here is the page where you can donate for this special fundraising effort:

Let’s see what we can do to help our program and our singers! Thank you so much!

Thank you for a great Concert!

Everything came together for a great 2018 RVCC Holiday Concert!

Ms. D - Congratulations to our talented and hard working young choristers for a beautiful concert. Many thanks to all of our backstage crew comprised of RVCC alumni and parents and grandparents. Thank you to the Jefferson Center for all of their help with the time-change due to snow. Thank you to the beautiful instrumentalists. Bravo and thank you to everyone who helped us “Sing Before It Snows”!! We did it!! WOW! Did we ever!! Congratulations to us all.   All of our hard work gave us an outstanding performance day.

2018 RVCC Holiday Concert Photos